Here is yet another story from a Feminine Male Wife. If it is True, then you can see how women can Direct Males into the Life of Femininity, and that the Males that have been led in this Direction, are very Happy with the Result!!!.jpg)
Hi, my ame is Sabina. I was born a male but sabina is my given name at birth. I was born to a divorced feminist mother. From my earliest memories I was basicaly raised as a girl. Even as a child while my mother dressed me she would tell me that I was a sissy and I would always be a sissy boy. I was home schooled by a live in nanny and tutor who seemed to relish in keeping me as she put it as cute as possible. Of course that was my mothers wish.
I was kept in diapers full time untill I was 12 and then night time diapers which I still wear as I wet at night. I did however gain control of my bowles when I was five I think and was allowed to use the bathroom for that purpose when ny diaper was changed in the morning. I was always in a dress during the day and a nightie at night. Even when I grew older, realizing I was not a girl I would beg to be allowed to try boys clothes. This usually resulted in a spanking and a lecture that I was a sissy boy and sissies do not wear boys clothes.
When I was 12 I think I remember I got an errection when my diaper was being change3d to which my mother became furious. I was taken to the doctor who game me some pills to control what she called that nasty little habit. By the time I was thirteen or fourteen I no longer had any feeling down there and I found my breasts were growing rather quickly. When I complained to my mother and asked her what was happening to me she just told me that sometimes sissy boys grow breats and the next day I was taken to a shop and fitted for some bras. I remember the sales lady making a fuss over me and telling me how nice I looked and was developing. She said that someday I would make a good wife for a lady.
That is exactly what happened. When I was twenty I was married to the daughter of one of my mothers friends. I wore the wedding gown with all the proper underthings and heels.
I have now been with Madeline, my wife for twenty two years. we are considerewd lesbians by anyone who sees us. My male things all but dissapeared and my only sexual pleasure is looking after Madeline in any way she desires.
Obviously my mother knew what she was doing from the day I was born and yes I am quite content with my life.
And yet another Story from Samantha! For some of the "Radical" Feminists that I correspond with, I think they will Especially Like this Story!!!
Subject: Re: Feminize my husband
I read all the messages in the thread, and it sounds like my dream! I have been a closet sissy until last month. My wife( soon to be my Female husband) told me I had talked in my sleep about being a sissy and being the woman of the house. We had been attracted to each othe because she is a big woman and very strong and assertive. I am a small and effeminate and weak man.
Ever since we married she has taken the lead role and run our household. When she talking in my sleep that I wanted to be the wife and sissy, she acted. The next day was Saturday ans she took off to the mall, while I watched football. I did not know but early that morning she had called my mother and told her about my talking, they discussed it in detail. As my wife left she told me my mom was coming over early evening and for me to be ready. Mid afternoon she got back and I noticed she had a lot of full bags from her shopping. There looked to be a cople from Victoria's Secret and one from Fraderick's of Hollywood along with several from Nordstrom. She took them all to the guestroom and since the game was almost over, she let me finish watching until it was over. Just as soon as the game was over she came to tell me to get into the shower which I thought strange since I had taken a shower that morning.
She ushered me into the shower and told me not to get out until she told me to. I keep my legs shaved since I ride a bicycle so my Lycra shorts won't drag any hair on my legs. She handed me a new razor and told me to shave extra close. When she told me to get out, she met me with a new big, fluffy pink robe as she said, Sweet Sammie, your mom and I want to pamper you tonight. She led me by the hand into the guestroom and there on the bed she had a pair of pretty pink lace panties and a matching
camisole and bra and half slip. Sweetie , please let me help you , your mpother will be here any minute. I had never, ever questioned anyting she told me to do , so I slipped on the panties and she handed me the bra and helped me hook it. I fit perfectly except the cups were empty, she noticed my looking at them and said don't worry Samantha we will fix that. I pu the camisole and slip on and she had me look at myself in the mirror. Since I was short and very slender, I looked very girly. I loved the fereling of being treated like a pretty girl so I beame arouse. She noticed that and slapped it and said this is no time to be a man.It was a dream come true!! I had dreamed of being a sissy and her being my superior. Just then my mother let herself in and came running to see me. She grabbed my face and kissed me and said I would make a pretty sissy. She dreamed of turning me into Samantha and she was so happy when my wife called her and told her. they quickly hatched a plan and this was the result. Shetold me she and my wife had quickly decided I would become the wife and be a housewife. As she developed the story she even remarked that I could wear her wedding dress to a repeat of our vows since I was such a petite sissy and this would cement my status as a sissy. I think my mom had planned this for a long time, since my father had run off with police officer from town and come out as a ssissy queen. My mother said no such thing would happen with me and that I would become a sissy husband and male wife. There is not much about me that is manly and I was crying from happiness to be the sissy I had dreamed of being my whole life. My mom had suspected I might be gay, so she steered me to Alice whom she had confirmed was a strong and assertive lesbian. I was always in awe of my spouse( wife but soon to be my female husband) and her strength and soundness of decision making. Whenever I cried at the movies, she held my hand and consoled me. One time when a guy made a comment about my being gay, she cold cocked him and he went scurrying off. I ran to hug her and thanked her for protecting me.
The rest of the evening was spent with my mom and my female husband to be throwing away all my men's clothes. As they worked a friend of my mother's did my hair and nails. My hair was highlighted and my nails done in bright red. When I was all made up and dressed, there was very little resemblance to a man! I was admonished to quit crying because it would ruin my make up. We got done early enough to go out for a drink. I was hoping we would not go to one of my haunts. We went to a place I did not recognize. There were a lot of motorcycles parked in front. We went in and through the darkness, I saw there were only women there. My mother asked for everyone's attention and said she wanted to introduce Samantha, adding , don't confuse her for a real woman, she is my sissy son and will become my daughter. I was surprised and embarrassed. Several of the women came and pinched my bottom, one grabbed my breast and remarked to my mother, "she needs some boobs, I like my women with a nice chest!" After a couple of hours I was whisked away by one particularly strong woman who told me I was a dainty sissy and if I did not have a husband, she would take me as as her sissy. she lifted me up and told me I was a weak little sissy and she would make sure I acted that way.
The night finished uneventfully and for the next few days my mother and I planned my wedding with me as the bride and my wife as my husband to be. My mother is being really patient since I am learning to be a sissy and she has to help me a lot. Our ceremony will take place in two months. She and Katie make sure to let me know I am a sissy and not , nor will I ever be considered a real woman. They have spoken of castrating me and maybe having me go through a vaginal construction, but that I will never be a real woman.
And an Observation from a Woman at a Salon Visit!
I had no experience with feminine men at the salon I go to until two weeks ago. While I was there a person came in the door and I was split as to what sex the person was. On asking my hairdresser about this, she said it was a man, that he'd been there a few times before. He was dressed in mostly men's clothing, except perhaps for the really nice feminine top he was wearing, but in his looks he was actually pretty, with a very delicate slim build. And, if I'm not mistaken, he was wearing a small amount of foundation and lipstick, and of course mascara. Without guestion, he could have passed anywhere as a female. You could tell that all the girls in the salon were attracted to him, as was myself. It really felt a bit funny to be attracted to such a feminine appearing person. As for he hair, the reason he came in, he had a very becoming short typically female cut. He was very gentle and very soft spoken, but I did get the sense that he was in fact straight. Actually it was very nice to see how a man can be, they don't have to be the brutes that most of them are, this man proved that. Why, why, why, aren't more men like him???
Hi, my ame is Sabina. I was born a male but sabina is my given name at birth. I was born to a divorced feminist mother. From my earliest memories I was basicaly raised as a girl. Even as a child while my mother dressed me she would tell me that I was a sissy and I would always be a sissy boy. I was home schooled by a live in nanny and tutor who seemed to relish in keeping me as she put it as cute as possible. Of course that was my mothers wish.
I was kept in diapers full time untill I was 12 and then night time diapers which I still wear as I wet at night. I did however gain control of my bowles when I was five I think and was allowed to use the bathroom for that purpose when ny diaper was changed in the morning. I was always in a dress during the day and a nightie at night. Even when I grew older, realizing I was not a girl I would beg to be allowed to try boys clothes. This usually resulted in a spanking and a lecture that I was a sissy boy and sissies do not wear boys clothes.
When I was 12 I think I remember I got an errection when my diaper was being change3d to which my mother became furious. I was taken to the doctor who game me some pills to control what she called that nasty little habit. By the time I was thirteen or fourteen I no longer had any feeling down there and I found my breasts were growing rather quickly. When I complained to my mother and asked her what was happening to me she just told me that sometimes sissy boys grow breats and the next day I was taken to a shop and fitted for some bras. I remember the sales lady making a fuss over me and telling me how nice I looked and was developing. She said that someday I would make a good wife for a lady.
That is exactly what happened. When I was twenty I was married to the daughter of one of my mothers friends. I wore the wedding gown with all the proper underthings and heels.
I have now been with Madeline, my wife for twenty two years. we are considerewd lesbians by anyone who sees us. My male things all but dissapeared and my only sexual pleasure is looking after Madeline in any way she desires.
Obviously my mother knew what she was doing from the day I was born and yes I am quite content with my life.
And yet another Story from Samantha! For some of the "Radical" Feminists that I correspond with, I think they will Especially Like this Story!!!
Subject: Re: Feminize my husband
I read all the messages in the thread, and it sounds like my dream! I have been a closet sissy until last month. My wife( soon to be my Female husband) told me I had talked in my sleep about being a sissy and being the woman of the house. We had been attracted to each othe because she is a big woman and very strong and assertive. I am a small and effeminate and weak man.
Ever since we married she has taken the lead role and run our household. When she talking in my sleep that I wanted to be the wife and sissy, she acted. The next day was Saturday ans she took off to the mall, while I watched football. I did not know but early that morning she had called my mother and told her about my talking, they discussed it in detail. As my wife left she told me my mom was coming over early evening and for me to be ready. Mid afternoon she got back and I noticed she had a lot of full bags from her shopping. There looked to be a cople from Victoria's Secret and one from Fraderick's of Hollywood along with several from Nordstrom. She took them all to the guestroom and since the game was almost over, she let me finish watching until it was over. Just as soon as the game was over she came to tell me to get into the shower which I thought strange since I had taken a shower that morning.
She ushered me into the shower and told me not to get out until she told me to. I keep my legs shaved since I ride a bicycle so my Lycra shorts won't drag any hair on my legs. She handed me a new razor and told me to shave extra close. When she told me to get out, she met me with a new big, fluffy pink robe as she said, Sweet Sammie, your mom and I want to pamper you tonight. She led me by the hand into the guestroom and there on the bed she had a pair of pretty pink lace panties and a matching
The rest of the evening was spent with my mom and my female husband to be throwing away all my men's clothes. As they worked a friend of my mother's did my hair and nails. My hair was highlighted and my nails done in bright red. When I was all made up and dressed, there was very little resemblance to a man! I was admonished to quit crying because it would ruin my make up. We got done early enough to go out for a drink. I was hoping we would not go to one of my haunts. We went to a place I did not recognize. There were a lot of motorcycles parked in front. We went in and through the darkness, I saw there were only women there. My mother asked for everyone's attention and said she wanted to introduce Samantha, adding , don't confuse her for a real woman, she is my sissy son and will become my daughter. I was surprised and embarrassed. Several of the women came and pinched my bottom, one grabbed my breast and remarked to my mother, "she needs some boobs, I like my women with a nice chest!" After a couple of hours I was whisked away by one particularly strong woman who told me I was a dainty sissy and if I did not have a husband, she would take me as as her sissy. she lifted me up and told me I was a weak little sissy and she would make sure I acted that way.
The night finished uneventfully and for the next few days my mother and I planned my wedding with me as the bride and my wife as my husband to be. My mother is being really patient since I am learning to be a sissy and she has to help me a lot. Our ceremony will take place in two months. She and Katie make sure to let me know I am a sissy and not , nor will I ever be considered a real woman. They have spoken of castrating me and maybe having me go through a vaginal construction, but that I will never be a real woman.
And an Observation from a Woman at a Salon Visit!
I had no experience with feminine men at the salon I go to until two weeks ago. While I was there a person came in the door and I was split as to what sex the person was. On asking my hairdresser about this, she said it was a man, that he'd been there a few times before. He was dressed in mostly men's clothing, except perhaps for the really nice feminine top he was wearing, but in his looks he was actually pretty, with a very delicate slim build. And, if I'm not mistaken, he was wearing a small amount of foundation and lipstick, and of course mascara. Without guestion, he could have passed anywhere as a female. You could tell that all the girls in the salon were attracted to him, as was myself. It really felt a bit funny to be attracted to such a feminine appearing person. As for he hair, the reason he came in, he had a very becoming short typically female cut. He was very gentle and very soft spoken, but I did get the sense that he was in fact straight. Actually it was very nice to see how a man can be, they don't have to be the brutes that most of them are, this man proved that. Why, why, why, aren't more men like him???
I totally wish my lovely wife would take total charge in our marriage; and treat me in a feminine manner, even refering to me in my feminine name.